The seasson is over and we have achieved some good results.
good seasson behind us
It was a hard seasson with a lot of races and work. But the results were good and we improved on many tracks and finished with a lap record in the last race in Adria raceway, where we won a last race and Alpe Adria cup in total standing. We also achieved to bacome a polish and czech champion plus our team in World Endurance cup, Penz 13 is the champion as well. As you see, we should be suttisfied
. Thank you for your support and I hope you stay with us..
The seasson 2012 after 3 races
I´m not a very good news writer..:-)
As I wrote in my last and very old news:-) I´v changed a team for the 2012 and I´m riding with BMW Sikora Motorsport team. The only diference is susspension Wilbers and that I ride also Polish championship, chat means 2 more race weekends in Poznan. I hope I can fight for the polish title and give it to my team. My first ride with this team ended with a big cash and completely destroyed bike. But chat can you do..?:-) First race was Slovakiaring. My performance was not so good, but we were able to win Superstock race and finished second in Superbike. Than came Brno and it was much better there. I was faster then ever efore on this track and did my personal fastest lap with Superstock 2:03,4. But results were 2nd in Superstock and 3rd in Superbike. And the third race was Pannoniaring. I was not in a top form again and as it was on Slovakiaring before, we won the Superstock race and finished sekond in Superbike class. Good news are, that we are leading both classes in Alpe Adria cup, Czech and Austrian championship. But I will not compete in all races so I don´t think it will be possible to keep it.. But you never know!:-)
The final World Endurance cup race in Qatar
first time in Qatar was a nice experience
Our team had only one target this weekend, to score enough points for taking the second place in the championship. I learned the track and it is very nice circuit. Fast and smooth, but to be really fast here, you have to know it really good. I hope to get here again and be really fast here!:-) The team scored pole in Superstock class and 8th place in total. The race was going good but then came a small problem, when I was run out of fuel, far away from box.. I was pushing the bike for 20minutes and we lost the race. We returned to 7th place at the finish, but in 8hour race you have not a big chance to get the time back. But we took the points and got on 2nd place in overall standing. So the mission was completed. Thanks to the team and all my partners and fans.